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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Yellow and Red


Many thanks to Cee for another Fun Photo challenge in the theme of yellow and red! 

Here are my entries:


I have made fire!!!

I didn’t actually make this fire, but it was a welcome addition to the NC State Fair this past fall. It was like 50 degrees, y’all! Brrrr. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹


Fighting off the urge to say something corny. Dammit!

Corn season is just around the corner, and it’s my favorite time to go the Farmers’ Market. Well…that + Tomato season, and Fall with the pumpkins and mums, and then there’s Christmas with the fresh cut trees and wreaths…

Asteroid Exhibit at the NC Science Museum in Raleigh,NC

One advantage of working in the museum is getting to take night shots. Tequila please! Oh wait, I was talking about photography. Being in the museum alone, at night, is actually a little creepy, but it makes for some interesting photo opps that daytime light and screaming children don’t provide.


14 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Yellow and Red

    • Thank you. I appreciate the invitation but I believe I’ll pass at this time because I’m already committed to some other challenges. Thanks again!

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